Autora galardonada, oradora de mujeres cristianas y consejera clĆnica

Nicole's relatable, enthusiastic style, coupled with her sense of humour and years of professional counselling experience - brings a unique and refreshing, hope-filled message to your event.
Available for women’s groups and retreats, as well as corporate events, her speaking brings an enthusiastic and relatable message that will leave participants feeling encouraged, educated and excited.

You Are Wanted
Reclaiming the Truth of Who You Are
For every woman who has ever felt rejected, abandoned, or betrayed – this book is for you!
A powerful blend of real-life stories, therapeutic strategies, and biblical truths, You Are Wanted will be a welcomed companion through your painful season of loss and heartbreak, guiding you toward reclaiming your God-given identity and trusting Him to bring beauty from the ashes.
Available on Amazon

“This book is a masterpiece! You are Wanted will captivate your heart, equip you to recover from brokenness, and prepare you to help others. Nicole Langman has poured years of professional training and personal experience into this epic manuscript. She blends therapeutic information, biblical applications, powerful illustrations, and extraordinary take-aways within each chapter. You’ll want to purchase one copy for yourself and several more to give to women who need the hope and help this book offers.”
Carol Kent,
Speaker and Author of He Holds My Hand: Experiencing God’s Presence and Protection (Tyndale)

Ā”Lea el plan devocional de 7 dĆas de You Are Wanted en YouVersion!
Estoy encantado y muy honrado de que mi DevociĆ³n se publique en la Biblia App de YouVersion. Si alguna vez has experimentado rechazo o traiciĆ³n, consulta mi plan de 7 dĆas aquĆ. Es una inmersiĆ³n profunda en la verdad acerca de quiĆ©n Dios dice que eres y un paso importante hacia la sanaciĆ³n del dolor del rechazo y la traiciĆ³n.

Ā”Lea el plan devocional de 7 dĆas de You Are Wanted en YouVersion!
Estoy encantado y muy honrado de que mi DevociĆ³n se publique en la Biblia App de YouVersion. Si alguna vez has experimentado rechazo o traiciĆ³n, consulta mi plan de 7 dĆas aquĆ. Es una inmersiĆ³n profunda en la verdad acerca de quiĆ©n Dios dice que eres y un paso importante hacia la sanaciĆ³n del dolor del rechazo y la traiciĆ³n.

Ā”Lea el plan devocional de 7 dĆas de You Are Wanted en YouVersion!
Estoy encantado y muy honrado de que mi DevociĆ³n se publique en la Biblia App de YouVersion. Si alguna vez has experimentado rechazo o traiciĆ³n, consulta mi plan de 7 dĆas aquĆ. Es una inmersiĆ³n profunda en la verdad acerca de quiĆ©n Dios dice que eres y un paso importante hacia la sanaciĆ³n del dolor del rechazo y la traiciĆ³n.
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