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Nicole Langman wearing a dark blazer and white blouse and smiling

You Are Wanted - Reclaiming the Truth of Who You Are

Nicole Langmans Book "You Are Wanted" in hardcover book and on an iPad
Oasis Award

The biggest lie you will ever believe is the one that says you're unwanted.


If rejection or betrayal has come crashing through your door - you know the emotional shattering this brings. You understand the brokenness.

And you know the heartache of standing in the jagged fragments of a new normal you never wanted.

But God is a Masterful Potter. He gently redeems and restores our broken pieces and brings beauty into the wounded spaces.

If you’ve been shattered by rejection or betrayal, this book is for you!

With deep empathy and vulnerability, Nicole walks you through her own steps to healing and cheers you on through the valley towards recovery.

Through powerful stories, therapeutic strategies and biblical wisdom Nicole helps you:

  • Stand against the lies of rejection.

  • Develop courage to heal and move forward.

  • Reclaim the truth of who you are and embrace your new identity.

  • Use your pain for purpose.

  • Begin to see your past brokenness as strength and beauty.

“This book is a masterpiece!  You are Wanted will captivate your heart, equip you to recover from brokenness, and prepare you to help others. Nicole Langman has poured years of professional training and personal experience into this epic manuscript.  She blends therapeutic information, biblical applications, powerful illustrations, and extraordinary take-aways within each chapter. You’ll want to purchase one copy for yourself and several more to give to women who need the hope and help this book offers.”


–Carol Kent, Speaker and Author of He Holds My Hand:  Experiencing God’s Presence and Protection (Tyndale)

You Are Wanted 7 Day Plan on YouVersion

Read the You Are Wanted 7-Day Devotional Plan on YouVersion!

I am delighted and so honoured to have my Devotion published in the YouVersion Bible App. If you've ever experienced rejection or betrayal, check out my 7-Day plan here. It's a deep dive into the truth about who God says you are and an important step towards healing from the pain of rejection and betrayal. 

You Are Wanted AudioBook
Available Now!

Rejection Recovery Resource Kit E-Book

Rejection Recovery eBook

Soul wounds - that’s what rejection leaves behind.

From the snub of an acquaintance to abandonment by someone sworn to love us, our human experience is full of big and small rejections.


Rejection points a spotlight on our deepest sense of inadequacy, and leaves us shrinking back in fear - fear that maybe we really are unloveable, inadequate, undeserving, or ______. You fill in the blank.


But, that's not what God says about us. He is in passionate pursuit of His kids, reminding us constantly of His profound acceptance and love. He simply can’t get enough of us. And if that’s true, the rejection story can’t also be true.


The Rejection Recovery Resource Kit is a quick reference guide to help get your feet on the ground after an experience with rejection. Whether a big or small rejection, you will find these tools helpful to navigate through.


This resource kit is for you if:

  • You have ever battled the pain of rejection

  • You feel left out, let go, replaced, or unwanted.

  • You wonder how to recover from the hurt of abandonment, or rejection.

  • You are interested in healing from the wounds left in the wake of someone you love walking away.

  • You are wondering what God says about you.


Through the insights in this book you will…..

  • Learn therapeutic strategies to help navigate through the pain.

  • Develop recovery tools to build you back up

  • Begin to view yourself through God’s eyes and find strength in His opinion of you.

  • Understand you are not alone in the battle, and your pain will end.

Other Publications Featuring Nicole

And Then There Was Light Book
Hope When Your Heart is Heavy Book

"That Woman" by Nicole Langman
And Then There Was Light Anthology,
EABooks Publishing

"I Want to Help Make Jesus Famous" by Nicole Langman
Hope When Your Heart is Heavy,
Proverbs31 Ministries

Life Lessons for Mom by Carol Kent Book

Life Lessons for Moms, Stories of Love, Laughter & Wisdom for a Mother's Heart by Carol Kent

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