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Rodeos, Velvet Jumpsuits and Our Always Ready Jesus

Writer's picture: Nicole LangmanNicole Langman

I didn’t get the memo. I showed up at horse camp in a sunshine coloured velvet halter jumper, high socks and runners

At least I got the hat right. And the hair! I definitely got the hair right.

My sweet friend Kim clearly got the memo. Short of some good cowgirl boots, she’s ready to ride!

Bless her for sending this adorable picture along. And a shout out to my fellow Circle Square Ranch peeps! What fun we had

Friends, I have spent considerable time showing up unprepared.

I’ve got it wrong more times than I can count.

Life seems to surprise us with rodeos we aren’t ready for.

And it doesn’t always send the memo.

When things went seriously sideways in my life a few years ago - like my 8 year old self at horse camp - I was caught ill-equipped.

I remember sitting on my bed - stunned at what was happening, horrified at what I had heard - and frantic for anything that would ease the pain.

I was not ready for the blindside. And in my panic I lost sight of the constant, consistent, always prepared, cross-bearing Jesus.

I tried to fix it. I tried to hold on tight and endure the madness, believing in my own ability to overcome.

But it turns out rodeos are best won by turning the reins over to the One Who is always in control.

We aren’t promised a cake walk.

In fact, the Bible tells us we will have trouble. Really painful, terrible things happen. That’s the rodeo we’re in.

We are either on one side of a rodeo or the other. One side of the valley or the other. It’s just the way life is down here.

So, since we can count on the rodeo - let’s show up ready.


Well, I’m glad you asked.

1. Be in the Word daily. Spend time getting to know Who is in control. He can be trusted even when things are very hard. Don’t know where to start? Read the Psalms, and then dig into Ephesians.

2. Surround yourself with people who will pray with you and for you.

3. Pray. And then pray more. Constant conversations with God remind us we aren’t alone. He hears you. And He hasn’t left you on your own in this rodeo.

4. Journal the victories and remember the times He has brought you through.

5. Train your mind to focus on Jesus. Our minds are the starting point for anxiety. And anxiety always likes to run amuck with awfulized outcomes and worst case scenarios. Take your thoughts captive. And then hand them over to the Lord.

I’m a work in progress.

Sometimes I still show up unprepared and try to take matters into my own hands. But I’m learning to lean hard on Him - because time and time again He has shown me that there is no rodeo He isn’t in.

He is literally prepared for anything.

Bless you this month as you suit up and trust Him to be Who He says He is.


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