Disconnected and disgruntled describes the current climate heading into 2021.
Anxiety and overwhelm hunt us down daily.
Anger and resentment lead the way.
But those aren’t God words.
God hasn’t infused the world with those things? And He isn’t imposing those things into our hearts individually either.
I think God is up to something pretty exciting!
Something globally for all of us, and something very personal in each of us.
What if God is allowing a pivot point in your story?
What if this new year offers a new chance to rebel against the cynicism and fear based thinking?
What if, instead of accepting the worlds directive, we accept Gods calling?
He has a grand and unique purpose for you.
Through these difficult seasons, He is asking us to remember who we are and what we are called to be.
We are:
Highly favoured
Uniquely created
And He has called us to be:
A giver of grace
A dispenser of kindness
A lifter of spirits
A forgiver of wrongs
A lover of people
An example of Him
I don’t want to miss out on His very good plans. And I don’t want to impede His work.
Let’s decide together to accept His mission and to move into this year with a sense of wonder and excitement.
He’s definitely up to something! And we get a front row seat!
Blessings to you in 2021.
~ Nicole